Design Mobile Product design UX

Mobile Competition

I’ve been looking at the competition for our app in the healthcare sector here in the UK. It’s a good process to review what’s available to our clients and the NHS trusts that we supply.

There is a limit to what you can see without access to these systems but you can see reviews, ratings and end user feedback. You can also see what examples of the mobile screens from marketing material and app store submissions.

Put all this together and you get a feeling for the UX and then I can compare our app against the wider market. This is useful info which can be fed back to the business, it will also give us an idea of how we can improve our app’s design.

A product design review is something I like to carry out on a periodic basis as this helps to keep the look and feel fresh. A review also allows for new feature concepts to be considered by stakeholders and product owners.

Creative Design Ops Design Systems Mobile Product design UX

Mobile Style Guide

We’ve just released our mobile specific style guide, this builds on and compliments our desktop style guide which was released at the start of this year.

This guide is the latest collaboration with my design team, we have been working on this alongside new feature and BAU work. This guide captures our mobile optimised design patterns as they are designed and built into our app. The new guide also covers every component and design pattern that is currently live in our app.

Our new guide helps to ensure consistency as a single source of truth for our mobile development team and it will help with our onboarding process. It’s also another step towards a new design system that I hope to implement as a project that will further improve our new app feature to market speed.

Design Mobile Product design Usability UX UX Design

User Testing Prototypes

I’m currently building two Figma prototypes for a new NHS rostering solution that has a unique approach for the sector. The prototypes demonstrate the user journeys for two user groups of the new system. I’m working in close collaboration with our POs to refine the final prototypes ahead of user testing to validate our ideas based on the user stories we have created.

I’ve kept the UI as intuitive as possible so the end-users are able to use the new system in the real world. I’m also user testing early so we can make sure that we’re getting feedback on the solution well ahead of any development.

We have a focus group ready for testing and we can also access medical staff that represent the target user groups for the new system. This ensures that we can produce a digital product that engages our users whilst also addressing our stakeholder requirements and business needs.

I’ll be iterating the prototypes and system functionality as we go forward with our successive rounds of user testing. Our new rostering system is designed to integrate with our mobile app to help our medics organise their schedules and make their working day easier.

Creative Design Design Ops Digital Mobile Product design UI Web design

Mobile Style Guide

I’ve just completed a mobile style guide to support our product team and further define our brand’s look and feel. This builds on my previous style guide that included desktop, responsive web and mobile.

Following considerable back end improvements our mobile team where implementing I was able to review several components for our app. This gave me a great opportunity to review the UX of our core functionality, we were also able to update our UI styling to a more contemporary look and feel.

Our mobile specific components were originally contained in one page of our divison’s style guide. The app design review highlighted the common components for our app and desktop and the need for a dedicated mobile style guide has been realised. This gives us much more space to provide guidance, examples and use cases for our mobile optimised components.

The new mobile style guide now includes comprehensive details of our mobile components. This style guide also builds towards a future design system that we can build at a later date.

Design Mobile Product design UI UX UX Design

Staff Organisation

It is sometimes a significant UI/UX challenge to design solutions for systems that will help organise large staff groups. In my current role I’m working on new ways to roster NHS staff for large UK based trusts.

Keeping complex systems easy to use for the main user groups is very important in my user centred approach. I’m looking at ways to make our new system both intuative and streamlined. This takes into consideration the needs of diverse user groups and a large number of users.

Being able to access large data sets for admin user on desktop and end-users being able to access the system to see their work patterns on mobile devices are key stakeholder requirements.

I like working on larger projects and this is certainly demanding on a UI/UX design level. The product and development teams currently working on this product are great to work with and we have an excellent working reationship which really helps with the production process.

Challenge is good and designing a better system is never easy but I enjoy leading the design process that can make a difference for our users.

Creative Design Digital Mobile Product design UX Design

Mobile Design

I’ve been working on mobile prototypes and design screen concepts to support our sales team. They deliver webinars that we’re presenting to groups of potential clients that represent large health care organisations.

Using Figma I create screen flows of our products to highlight key screens to show our product features and overall look and feel. The demos help show current and future features that are live or currently in production.

I’m also working on a wider mobile design project as part of a back-end system upgrade project which is underway. I’m looking at our app’s UX and UI, the user journey, improved performance and resolving usability bugs. It’s good to work with our mobile development team during this project and collaborate on mobile functionality.

We have end-users ready for user testing of our new app once it has progressed through our internal test and UAT process. I’m looking forward to getting this user feedback on our app and to see it go live.

This project will improve the user experience of our audience and bring an much improved mobile app to market.

Design Design Ops Mobile UI UX Design

Product UI Consistency

It can be a challenge bringing consistency to multiple products which are available from the same company. It’s important to present a uniform look and feel to the end user so they can see the relationship within the product suite.

I’m currently working on a group of products that have been developed with by seperate dev teams. They have evolved to have a range of inconsistencies and with the lack of a style guide in place there is no single source of truth for design.

Working with the product owners is key and our technical authors have experienced and helpful attention to detail. Seeing the bigger picture is a must to spot how UI elements and tasks are handled in the different product systems.

This project also builds towards a future design system where each UI component’s use case is detailed for the whole company to refer to. Other benefits are that UI components are understood by all in the production and test teams and new starters can quickly get up to speed with the available UI components.

Design Design Ops Design Systems Mobile Product design UI UX

Style Guides

At the start of the year I took on a new challenge and a new job. I’m now working for a Uk based NHS approved supplier and again find myself as the sole lead UI/UX designer tasked with bringing consistency to an established product suite.

Working in the product team I began this project with a design audit in order to establish the common look and feel for the Workforce division. This is area of the business has a primary focus of working with NHS staff to roster work patterns and allow managers to organise their hospital departments.

I produced a series of screen comparisons in Figma which I went on to build into a style guide. The guide is now in its second version and is based on Atomic Design where UI components build into common, reusable design patterns and then onto page templates.

I enjoy bringing order to agile teams with organised design and having a single source of truth ultimately speeds up software production and creates an efficient production environment. I feel that this is the start of this process and I’m hoping to introduce a design system once the style guide is further along the line.