Creative Design Ops Design Team

A Remote Design Team

Working remotely as a designer can be challenging, even more so if you’re managing a remote design team as a lead or senior designer. Fortunately we have a lot of collaboration tools available to us to help this method of working. Industry standard tools such as Miro where you and your team can work on user flows and ideation whilst working remotely.

If you’re working as a design lead then keeping in touch with your design team is a great way to keep on top of the team’s work schedule. Regular one to one meetings where you can check in and give direction are great. Design team meetings are also good, even better if you can hold face to face meetings if the team member’s locations allow this.

I find that having a dedicated office or working space really helps, somewhere to assign as a work space. So when the working day is completed you can close the door and “commute” to your lounge.

Maintaining focus in the working day is something that needs to be developed with a routine and a work pattern. This can be modified depending on the project work in hand but a routine really helps with day to day remote working.

Keeping a healthy work/life balance especially in the winter months when the days are short is key, this is where a home office comes into it’s own. Also working for a supportive company that allows remote location working is a plus as then you can work from different locations in the summer months which can be inspiring.

I hope that this is helpful and that this can help you as a designer working in a wider team or leading a design team.


Happy New Year!

Wishing you all the best for the coming year! I hope that you will find creativity and positivity wherever you might be or go!

Creative Design Ops Design Systems Mobile Product design UX

Mobile Style Guide

We’ve just released our mobile specific style guide, this builds on and compliments our desktop style guide which was released at the start of this year.

This guide is the latest collaboration with my design team, we have been working on this alongside new feature and BAU work. This guide captures our mobile optimised design patterns as they are designed and built into our app. The new guide also covers every component and design pattern that is currently live in our app.

Our new guide helps to ensure consistency as a single source of truth for our mobile development team and it will help with our onboarding process. It’s also another step towards a new design system that I hope to implement as a project that will further improve our new app feature to market speed.

Creative Design Design Ops Digital Mobile Product design UI Web design

Mobile Style Guide

I’ve just completed a mobile style guide to support our product team and further define our brand’s look and feel. This builds on my previous style guide that included desktop, responsive web and mobile.

Following considerable back end improvements our mobile team where implementing I was able to review several components for our app. This gave me a great opportunity to review the UX of our core functionality, we were also able to update our UI styling to a more contemporary look and feel.

Our mobile specific components were originally contained in one page of our divison’s style guide. The app design review highlighted the common components for our app and desktop and the need for a dedicated mobile style guide has been realised. This gives us much more space to provide guidance, examples and use cases for our mobile optimised components.

The new mobile style guide now includes comprehensive details of our mobile components. This style guide also builds towards a future design system that we can build at a later date.

Creative Design

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all! Wishing you all a creative 2023 filled with stunning design and beautiful UI/UX!

Creative Design Design Ops Digital Product design UX UX Design

UX Brighton

Well it’s been a while! But I was very glad to having bought my ticket and headed into Brighton to attend this conference once again.

Really good to see it up and running again after the break for the pandemic and good to attend a design orientated conference. I also caught up with some old designer friends that I’ve previously worked with in Brighton.

There were some inspirational speakers with the day’s theme being focused on Product Design and Management. As ever I took lots of notes to mull over and themes to explore over the coming weeks.

UX Brighton always inspires me and I enjoy the takeaways that I can bring into my design practice and career.

Creative Design Design Ops

Design Collaboration

We have a new member of my budding design team! I’m very pleased to welcome our latest employee, an experienced UX/UI Designer, who will be working along me in our wider product team.

This increases our company’s product design capacity and gives valuable design collaboration opportunities to our product owners, stakeholders, developers and of course myself.

I’m researching methods of sharing Figma files so we can work closely on design concepts and further build out the style guide that I originally created.

The future looks very positive for us and how we can really contribute to creating and bring to market further user focused products.

Creative Design Digital Mobile Product design UX Design

Mobile Design

I’ve been working on mobile prototypes and design screen concepts to support our sales team. They deliver webinars that we’re presenting to groups of potential clients that represent large health care organisations.

Using Figma I create screen flows of our products to highlight key screens to show our product features and overall look and feel. The demos help show current and future features that are live or currently in production.

I’m also working on a wider mobile design project as part of a back-end system upgrade project which is underway. I’m looking at our app’s UX and UI, the user journey, improved performance and resolving usability bugs. It’s good to work with our mobile development team during this project and collaborate on mobile functionality.

We have end-users ready for user testing of our new app once it has progressed through our internal test and UAT process. I’m looking forward to getting this user feedback on our app and to see it go live.

This project will improve the user experience of our audience and bring an much improved mobile app to market.

Art Creative


Spring is coming! Time to get creative as the days grow longer and nature springs back into life!

I will be walking and inspiring myself with a fresh look at the year, I hope that you will have an inspiring and creative year whatever you may be creating!

Creative Design Poems

Dark Nights of Poetry at Year’s End

As the year draws to a close I’m reading more poetry and taking the chance to review what I’ve read this year.

TS Eliot’s Four Quartets has been my go to poem of the year, I was reading it over summer, I really like the abstraction of this work. If you don’t know it look it up, there’s also a great rendition of Eliot’s work read by Sir Alec Guiness.

I hope and aim to be even more creative in the new year and poetry is going to be a part of that.

Both reading and writing.