Creative Exhibition Photo Projects Photography Portraiture


I’m embarking on new photographic project focusing on Shipwrights and traditional boat building. This will be mainly a portraiture project but with still life as I’ll be photographing in boat yards.

I aim to capture the craft and unique art of traditional boat building which is centuries old. I have some images for this project already and I’m in touch with boat yards in the south and east of England.

The shipwrights use traditional processes working in wood using hand tools and there is plenty of photographic potential in these busy work places.

I’ll post my progress on here as this project develops. 

Creative Exhibition Poem videos Poems

Checking In

Just checking in after taking a few weeks off for my summer holiday, I’ve been traveling around the UK in my great little camper van. Its a great form of transport, very self contained and a great base for walking and exploring.

I’ve captured some interesting footage and I’ve managed to read many more poems to revive my video poems project which I’ll be continuing with this autumn/winter. As ever I’ll post up on here my progress and when I’ve produced further work.

Art Exhibition Photography

Brighton Photo Biennial

I’ve been visiting the exhibitions and talks in the Brighton Photo Biennial there is a lot of inspiring work and images on display. There is also an inspiring and impressive list of events to attend.

Also attended a great workshop run by Annis Joslin on Space to Collaborate which was working with photography and collaboration in the classroom using rapid, responsive image capture techniques. There were some very interesting method for image detail focus and response to words/images.

Art Creative Digital Exhibition Video

Sequenced Art Show Opens

The Sequenced Art Show opened last night with our private view, it was a good turn out with lots of friends attending and a good time was had by all! My Alberic’s Scrapbook video looked great on the screen!

The show came together really well in the end and its a nice mix of digital art work. The exhibition runs until the 12th March to view the work in the gallery at the Brighton Media Centre in Middle St, Brighton.

Its free and in central Brighton so go and see it if your around.

Dance Video by Ant Tyler
Dance Video by Ant Tyler

Art Creative Digital Exhibition Video

Latest Sequenced Show

The Sequenced digital artists group are showing again, we have another mixed media show at the Brighton Media Centre which opens on the 14th Feb and runs to the 13th March.

Its going to be quite a mix of work, I’m showing some video work including my latest poem video ‘Minister for Exams’ shot on the rainy Sussex streets. Follow us on twitter

Art Digital Exhibition Video

Video Shoot

The rain finally stopped and we were able to shoot an hour of footage this morning on the streets of Lancing, West Sussex. It was great to finally get this project moving especially when I already have the poem voice over recorded by my friend.

I’m starting to edit this over the weekend and I’ve got a good feeling that it will come together nicely. The final poem video will go up on vimeo over the next few weeks and I’ll post a link on this website.

A collection of my short videos, including this one, will be showing at the Brighton Media Centre during February and March as part of a digital media arts show. More details later…

Art Digital Exhibition

Filming Again

My next video project is under way, I’m working towards a mixed media digital art exhibition which is going to be held in Brighton early next year. My ideas are coming together with story boards for a series of short films, I’m braving the stormy weather that we are experiencing on the south coast of England to scout some locations that I’ll be using for the shoots. I’ll post up further news soon…

Art Digital Exhibition

Sequenced at Reasonsto…

The Sequenced Artists had a very smooth setup yesterday and our show is now running at the Reasons to be Creative conference in Brighton. Its a great collection of work and well worth a visit!

Art Creative Digital Exhibition

Reaonsto… Setup

The Sequenced Artists setup the Re-Sequenced show at the Reasonsto… conference in the Corn Exchange earlier today. I completed my video installation which is the full length version of Alberic’s Scrapbook.

I also have a very edited version which will be running on the show reel screen, hope to see you there if your going.

Art Creative Digital Exhibition

Alex Paints with Light

See Alex May‘s installation for the Brighton Digital Festival where he removes the first veil of “Brighton Remixed”. Alex uses his video mapping software to paint with light at The New Sublime in Middle Street, Brighton.

The piece is made from found objects and is digitally augmented with multiple layers of video filmed in Brighton over several years. It’s good stuff! The space is open every day from 11am-5pm during the festival, read more on the BDF2013 website.