Photography Portraiture

A Portrait Project

I’m going to be making the most of my summer travels this year by building up my portraits portfolio. Capturing images of people in their own environment can make for some striking images.

I’ve found that we often only get one chance to photograph an individual in their environment as we encounter them. So it’s important to take that chance and aim to get a great photograph. This is also an exercise in speed and confidence with our equipment and our ability to control the shoot situation.

I’ll be adding to my photography page with a new album once I have some good portrait images to share.

Art Photography

Back to Photography

A change in direction has seen me accepting an offer from the University of Brighton which starts in September this year. It’s an exciting shift in my career and I’m looking forward to working with images again.

I’m going to be available for freelance UI/UX design, part-time website management work and photography assignments from the end of August. If you have any enquires about my work just get in touch to see how I can help you with your lastest photography or UX/UI or digital media project.

Art Creative Photography Video


It’s been a great summer so far, I hope that you are enjoying it! I’ve been busy creating video and capturing images whilst on my travels. I now have the use of a campervan which makes for a brilliant base for exploring, I’ll be uploading more work when the production phase is completed.

Until then, have fun in the sun!

Creative Photography


Looking forward to a spring and summer of photography and creativeness! Been looking at a few really good travel and photo blogs which have inspired me to get out there.

I’ll be reworking my gallery on this site and will post up some more recent work so watch this space!!

Ant Tyler

Creative Photography Video

Winter Light

There is some great low winter light at the moment, very moody and warm when the sun is low. If your willing to brave the cold winter winds I’d encourage you to head out there with your camera and capture some images or video!

Happy creating!

Art Exhibition Photography

Brighton Photo Biennial

I’ve been visiting the exhibitions and talks in the Brighton Photo Biennial there is a lot of inspiring work and images on display. There is also an inspiring and impressive list of events to attend.

Also attended a great workshop run by Annis Joslin on Space to Collaborate which was working with photography and collaboration in the classroom using rapid, responsive image capture techniques. There were some very interesting method for image detail focus and response to words/images.

Art Exhibition Photography

Video Installation

I’m working on a plan for a Video Installation where I will be presenting and showing a series of shot films. Its interesting to work on the content, concept, technology and creating an environment all at once. These are then bought together to create the space itself. I’m enjoying this process!