Art Creative


Spring is coming! Time to get creative as the days grow longer and nature springs back into life!

I will be walking and inspiring myself with a fresh look at the year, I hope that you will have an inspiring and creative year whatever you may be creating!

Creative Design Poems

Dark Nights of Poetry at Year’s End

As the year draws to a close I’m reading more poetry and taking the chance to review what I’ve read this year.

TS Eliot’s Four Quartets has been my go to poem of the year, I was reading it over summer, I really like the abstraction of this work. If you don’t know it look it up, there’s also a great rendition of Eliot’s work read by Sir Alec Guiness.

I hope and aim to be even more creative in the new year and poetry is going to be a part of that.

Both reading and writing.

Design Design Ops Digital UX UX Design

UX Brighton

I attended UX Brighton last week, a conference which focuses on UX (User Experience), it was inspiring with a good mix of speaker. This year the theme was design which I particularly enjoyed as I’ve worked in this field for many years.

The conferenece was well organised and has info packed talks form a range of industry professionals, the talks were kept to a shorter length which I found refreshing.

UX Brighton was held at the Dome in Brighton, Sussex, UK which is a great venue and handy for me as I live near and work in the city.

I would recommend attending this conference if you’re interested in UX and are able to go. The talks are soon to be available on the UXBri website if you want to get a flavour of what happened on the day or get a feel for the conference.

Art Creative Design Poems

Being Creative

Being creative is a challenge! Just remaining motivated on a daily basis in its self can be tough.

I’ve been inspired by writing poetry and song writing recently which is a great outlet for my creativity. My design work is mainly visual and working on creative writing on a daily basis is a very complimentary exercise.

I’ve always enjoyed the challenge of creating something from a blank page, or digital screen. For some that would be a situation they would never chose to be in but not for me.

So if your a creative reading this please be inspired and I can really recommend using different creative techniques to enhance your creative practice.

Art Creative Photography Video


It’s been a great summer so far, I hope that you are enjoying it! I’ve been busy creating video and capturing images whilst on my travels. I now have the use of a campervan which makes for a brilliant base for exploring, I’ll be uploading more work when the production phase is completed.

Until then, have fun in the sun!

Creative Photography


Looking forward to a spring and summer of photography and creativeness! Been looking at a few really good travel and photo blogs which have inspired me to get out there.

I’ll be reworking my gallery on this site and will post up some more recent work so watch this space!!

Ant Tyler

Creative Exhibition Poem videos Poems

Checking In

Just checking in after taking a few weeks off for my summer holiday, I’ve been traveling around the UK in my great little camper van. Its a great form of transport, very self contained and a great base for walking and exploring.

I’ve captured some interesting footage and I’ve managed to read many more poems to revive my video poems project which I’ll be continuing with this autumn/winter. As ever I’ll post up on here my progress and when I’ve produced further work.

Creative Photography Video

Winter Light

There is some great low winter light at the moment, very moody and warm when the sun is low. If your willing to brave the cold winter winds I’d encourage you to head out there with your camera and capture some images or video!

Happy creating!

Creative Poems Video

Happy New Year – with a kiss…

Happy New Year and I hope that 2015 is a creative one for you all!

I’m still on my poem/video project and I’ve been reading more WW1/WW2 poems over the xmas break. Its quite challenging to get suitable imagery for these works but I have a few ideas that I’m working on.

One poem that I’d really like to produce a video for is “The Kiss” by Siegfried Sassoon, this is pretty strong stuff, as is most WW1 poetry. Very moody indeed.

It’s an absolute classic and I hope to be filming this one soon!

Creative Music

Music with Pat

I’m currently working on a music project with creative force that is Pat Turner Lee. We’re getting a set together for a new and experimental music project.

We’re also creating some backing music for a spoken word artist which we’re playing live with at a gig in Brighton in December. I’m playing bass guitar on this music, its great to play such a fine instrument again after so many years.