Design Design Systems Digital Product design


I’m building out our new product styleguide using zeroheight, this follows proof of concept work that I carried out using a Figma shared library.

The UI elements and components form the building block for an established digital product. As our teams grow our new system will really help new team members understand and access our product design.

It’s pretty good so far and it means that we can provide a single source of truth for all our collegues across our design, dev, test and product teams. Our UX team are able to add in guidance and usability guidelines to the components as they’re created in the system.

Once I completed the IA the build out has been going well, there are also features built in like release notes that will help us communicate changes and updates to our new system.

I’m happy with this product, to be clear I’m not paid to endorse it, but zeroheight was recommended to me and it seems to be a good fit.

I’m looking forward to completing this project and I hope that it wil form the basis for a new, multi product, design system.

Design Design Ops Design Systems Digital UX

Design Systems

I’m currently leading on a design system project to help bring consistancy and streamline our design component production. It is the first step in a large project which is going to involve close collaboration with our UX design, development and test teams.

At the end of last year I produced a proof of concept of a design system in Figma using the built in shared library feature. This project is now going on to contribute to the design system project following my research on the industry standard approach to building an in-house system.

It’s exciting times and there are many things to consider including system governance which I’ve written a brief research report on. This will help us implement and maintain the new system and enable us to accept and build on design and product input from the wider business.

Once live our new design system will reduce our concept to launch time with a uniform look and feel to all of our digital products. The development team can build out code in multiple front-end technologies to match our design components to further reduce build time. The new system will also make our test team’s job easier with clear accessible design patterns with use cases and guidance.

Overall the new design system will improve our design to development process, this will help our scrum team members with a modern approach to design with a single source of truth.

I’m happy to be leading on this project and I feel that it is part of the future of commercial digital product design.

Design Design Ops Digital UX UX Design

UX Brighton

I attended UX Brighton last week, a conference which focuses on UX (User Experience), it was inspiring with a good mix of speaker. This year the theme was design which I particularly enjoyed as I’ve worked in this field for many years.

The conferenece was well organised and has info packed talks form a range of industry professionals, the talks were kept to a shorter length which I found refreshing.

UX Brighton was held at the Dome in Brighton, Sussex, UK which is a great venue and handy for me as I live near and work in the city.

I would recommend attending this conference if you’re interested in UX and are able to go. The talks are soon to be available on the UXBri website if you want to get a flavour of what happened on the day or get a feel for the conference.

Art Digital Video

Alberic’s Scrapbook Revisited

I’m looking at some of the footage from my Alberic’s Scrapbook video project that I created some months ago. It was a collection of video, dance and music influenced by myths, the nature of water, the changeable nature of life and the ghost stories of M R James.

There is a mix for you!

A lot of the filming was completed around the south coast of England and this area is great for this type of work. I’m probably going to start another video project that is a follow up to Alberic’s Scrapbook as I really enjoyed creating it!!

Art Creative Digital Exhibition Video

Sequenced Art Show Opens

The Sequenced Art Show opened last night with our private view, it was a good turn out with lots of friends attending and a good time was had by all! My Alberic’s Scrapbook video looked great on the screen!

The show came together really well in the end and its a nice mix of digital art work. The exhibition runs until the 12th March to view the work in the gallery at the Brighton Media Centre in Middle St, Brighton.

Its free and in central Brighton so go and see it if your around.

Dance Video by Ant Tyler
Dance Video by Ant Tyler

Art Creative Digital Exhibition Video

Latest Sequenced Show

The Sequenced digital artists group are showing again, we have another mixed media show at the Brighton Media Centre which opens on the 14th Feb and runs to the 13th March.

Its going to be quite a mix of work, I’m showing some video work including my latest poem video ‘Minister for Exams’ shot on the rainy Sussex streets. Follow us on twitter

Art Digital Exhibition Video

Video Shoot

The rain finally stopped and we were able to shoot an hour of footage this morning on the streets of Lancing, West Sussex. It was great to finally get this project moving especially when I already have the poem voice over recorded by my friend.

I’m starting to edit this over the weekend and I’ve got a good feeling that it will come together nicely. The final poem video will go up on vimeo over the next few weeks and I’ll post a link on this website.

A collection of my short videos, including this one, will be showing at the Brighton Media Centre during February and March as part of a digital media arts show. More details later…

Creative Digital Video

Audio Edits

I’m revisiting a video piece that I created a while ago. The sound needs a re-work so I’m exporting the files from Premier to Adobe Audition to clean the sound up a bit.

Sound is a commonly overlooked part of the video production process and investing in some good quality sound capturing equipment is something that is worth doing.

I’ll post up the link on here once I have uploaded the finished video.

Art Creative Digital

10,000 Cents

I saw this a while ago but it has stayed with me as a fantastic example of online digital art. Each participant was given an unrelated rectangle in which they would copy a fragment of the whole art work using a simple custom built paint app.

They all came together to produce this: 10,000 Cents

I love the concept, its good stuff!

Art Digital Exhibition

Filming Again

My next video project is under way, I’m working towards a mixed media digital art exhibition which is going to be held in Brighton early next year. My ideas are coming together with story boards for a series of short films, I’m braving the stormy weather that we are experiencing on the south coast of England to scout some locations that I’ll be using for the shoots. I’ll post up further news soon…