Adventure Travel


I’ve recently traded my Honda nc750x for a near new BMW, its my first German built bike for some time and I really like the feel of my new GS.

Motorbikes are freedom machines and for me they just make sense. Just some of the benefits are they’re cheap to run, parking is free (in the UK) for the most part. Some inner city areas do charge but they’re rare at the moment and the parking fees are much less than a car. You also don’t have to queue with other vehicles in heavy traffic, most of all they’re fun!

Yes bikers are exposed to the weather and the elements but there is something about being out in the open air and being at one with the landscape that you’re travelling through. Ted Simon, the author of the biker’s travelogue classic Jupiter’s Travels explains at length the feeling of being at one with your environment when you travel by bike. There is definitely something in this, along with the sense of adventure. Simon traveled around the world over four years on a 500cc Triumph tiger back in the 1970s.

If you don’t ride bikes already you’ll need training and also pass a bike test to get a full bike license. If you already ride then you’ll know what I’m talking about.

Its past mid winter at the moment and winter always turns to spring with sunny days and warmer weather approaching. So I hope that you enjoy your travels this year as I’m certainly going to be exploring on my motorbike a bit more this year!

Happy travels!!



I’ve always walked and seen the value in walking in general, just moving through a landscape at walking pace is something theraputic and a good feeling in itself.

I recently read “A Philosophy of Walking” which goes into the process in depth, interesting to read how great thinkers have used walking to hone their ideas. The health benefits are a real plus especially with the current lockdown isolation world that we find ourselves in.

If you don’t walk I’d encourage you to get your boots or shoes on and get out there, having a dog helps but its not an essential walking aid.

Whatever you do or wherever you go enjoy!



It’s been hot with little rain but we’ve also been in strange times due to lockdown and a global pandemic.

I hope that what ever you do or where ever you are you are managing to be creative and to take time for yourself and those around you.

The time will come when the new normal is hopefully back to something we know and love. Until then stay safe and look after yourself.