Creative Design Digital Photo Projects Photography Poems Product design UX Design

A Creative Future

I’m pleased to reflect on my recent career and the diverse nature of creativity and projects that I’m currently working on. My Lead UI/UX Designer role is winding up as I prepare for part-time study in photography. I want to continue working in the UX field as I really enjoy the creative aspect of my role and working with design and product teams.

I’m excited about doing more photography and starting new projects with old-school film and digital cameras. This work will be focusing on landscape and portrait initially but I will be working in other photographic disciplines going forward.

I’m also working on my solo singer/guitarist set with a solo gig lined up in Manchester in early September. This is a welcome addition to my band which have been going for a few years now.

I’m also writing more and working on my own songs for both the band and my solo work. I started writing every day in 2020 during lock down which I’ve kept up. I’ve started a book project which I hope to self publish when I feel ready.

So lots going on and the weather is great outside, whats not to like! I feel that these creative projects feed into each other and I’m really enjoying this experience. I’m building a creative future and I feel very positive about that prospect.

If you are feeling creative I would encourage you to just do it as there is no time like the present!

Creative Design Poems

Dark Nights of Poetry at Year’s End

As the year draws to a close I’m reading more poetry and taking the chance to review what I’ve read this year.

TS Eliot’s Four Quartets has been my go to poem of the year, I was reading it over summer, I really like the abstraction of this work. If you don’t know it look it up, there’s also a great rendition of Eliot’s work read by Sir Alec Guiness.

I hope and aim to be even more creative in the new year and poetry is going to be a part of that.

Both reading and writing.

Art Creative Design Poems

Being Creative

Being creative is a challenge! Just remaining motivated on a daily basis in its self can be tough.

I’ve been inspired by writing poetry and song writing recently which is a great outlet for my creativity. My design work is mainly visual and working on creative writing on a daily basis is a very complimentary exercise.

I’ve always enjoyed the challenge of creating something from a blank page, or digital screen. For some that would be a situation they would never chose to be in but not for me.

So if your a creative reading this please be inspired and I can really recommend using different creative techniques to enhance your creative practice.

Creative Exhibition Poem videos Poems

Checking In

Just checking in after taking a few weeks off for my summer holiday, I’ve been traveling around the UK in my great little camper van. Its a great form of transport, very self contained and a great base for walking and exploring.

I’ve captured some interesting footage and I’ve managed to read many more poems to revive my video poems project which I’ll be continuing with this autumn/winter. As ever I’ll post up on here my progress and when I’ve produced further work.

Creative Poems Video

Happy New Year – with a kiss…

Happy New Year and I hope that 2015 is a creative one for you all!

I’m still on my poem/video project and I’ve been reading more WW1/WW2 poems over the xmas break. Its quite challenging to get suitable imagery for these works but I have a few ideas that I’m working on.

One poem that I’d really like to produce a video for is “The Kiss” by Siegfried Sassoon, this is pretty strong stuff, as is most WW1 poetry. Very moody indeed.

It’s an absolute classic and I hope to be filming this one soon!