Art Photography

Back to Photography

A change in direction has seen me accepting an offer from the University of Brighton which starts in September this year. It’s an exciting shift in my career and I’m looking forward to working with images again.

I’m going to be available for freelance UI/UX design, part-time website management work and photography assignments from the end of August. If you have any enquires about my work just get in touch to see how I can help you with your lastest photography or UX/UI or digital media project.

Art Creative


Spring is coming! Time to get creative as the days grow longer and nature springs back into life!

I will be walking and inspiring myself with a fresh look at the year, I hope that you will have an inspiring and creative year whatever you may be creating!

Art Creative Design Poems

Being Creative

Being creative is a challenge! Just remaining motivated on a daily basis in its self can be tough.

I’ve been inspired by writing poetry and song writing recently which is a great outlet for my creativity. My design work is mainly visual and working on creative writing on a daily basis is a very complimentary exercise.

I’ve always enjoyed the challenge of creating something from a blank page, or digital screen. For some that would be a situation they would never chose to be in but not for me.

So if your a creative reading this please be inspired and I can really recommend using different creative techniques to enhance your creative practice.

Art Creative Photography Video


It’s been a great summer so far, I hope that you are enjoying it! I’ve been busy creating video and capturing images whilst on my travels. I now have the use of a campervan which makes for a brilliant base for exploring, I’ll be uploading more work when the production phase is completed.

Until then, have fun in the sun!

Art Digital Video

Alberic’s Scrapbook Revisited

I’m looking at some of the footage from my Alberic’s Scrapbook video project that I created some months ago. It was a collection of video, dance and music influenced by myths, the nature of water, the changeable nature of life and the ghost stories of M R James.

There is a mix for you!

A lot of the filming was completed around the south coast of England and this area is great for this type of work. I’m probably going to start another video project that is a follow up to Alberic’s Scrapbook as I really enjoyed creating it!!

Art Exhibition Photography

Brighton Photo Biennial

I’ve been visiting the exhibitions and talks in the Brighton Photo Biennial there is a lot of inspiring work and images on display. There is also an inspiring and impressive list of events to attend.

Also attended a great workshop run by Annis Joslin on Space to Collaborate which was working with photography and collaboration in the classroom using rapid, responsive image capture techniques. There were some very interesting method for image detail focus and response to words/images.

Art Creative Music Video

Music and Video

I’ve just started playing bass guitar again after many years of not playing or being involved with bands and music projects. Its good to be out there playing again after so long…

One of my latest music projects is a collaboration with Pat Turner-Lee who is a totally creative force in his own right.

We’re putting together a music/art installation project which will have video projection as we play live in a totally transformed environment.

I’ll update on progress here, it feels good to create with music again.

Art Creative Video

New Poem Videos

I’m working on the story boards for my latest video poem project, I’ve selected three further poems to create short video pieces with.

They’re quite a contrast being written by Ted Hughes, Dylan Thomas and Rudyard Kipling! But its more about the mood of the individual videos and they won’t need to relate to each other.

I’ll post up more on here once I have the shoots under way.

Art Design Web design Web development Website projects WordPress

Latest Website: Sujo Remi

Sujo Remi - WordPress WebsiteI’ve just launched the latest website design and development project for Sujo Remi. It was really great working with such a creative artist duo. Sujo Remi are Brighton based artists working in mixed media and installation art.

This WordPress build will allow the Sujo Remi website to be expanded on in the future and be a good flexible platform to show case Sujo’s creative talent.

Take a look and visit Sujo Remi here and also my website portfolio over at Adur Design for more completed WordPress web design and development projects by me.

Art Creative Video

New Video Locations

I’m looking at some more locations to continue my latest video project. I’ve seen some interesting locations including a large derelict factory to shoot some video in. This will be for a continuation of my series of poems to video which result in short adaptations featuring actors which depict the poem.

I’m also very keen to shoot more M R James ghost stories similar to my Canon Alberic’s Scrapbook video which I completed last year. Here is latest poem video which featured in the Sequenced Art Show and was film on the rainy streets (last month) of Sussex.

The Minister for Exams from Ant Tyler on Vimeo.